Tales Of Maj'Eyal - Ashes Of Urh'Rok Download Free

Ashes of Urh'Rok. Ashes of Urh'Rok is a downloadable expansion, which can be purchased for 40 voratun coins (4€). Official Description. Many in Maj'Eyal have heard of 'demons', sadistic creatures who appear seemingly from nowhere, leaving a trail of suffering and destruction whereever they go. Tales of Maj'Eyal, Netcore Games’ already massive roguelike RPG, has received a huge free content update.Known as Necrotic Translations, this update fixes plenty of bugs, overhauls some systems, reworks the Necromancer class, and adds three new class evolutions. The main campaign. Featuring two overworlds (the continents of Maj'Eyal and Var'Eyal) with many dungeons, this is currently the largest campaign (not counting Ashes of Urh'Rok). Ashes Of Urh'Rok. Ashes of Urh'Rok is a downloadable expansion, purchasable for approx. Many in Maj'Eyal have heard of 'demons', sadistic creatures who appear.

A downloadable mod for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Many in Maj'Eyal have heard of 'demons', sadistic creatures who appear seemingly from nowhere, leaving a trail of suffering and destruction whereever they go. Their Fearscape floats far above the skies, watching and waiting, but not idly; their agents scout the land, their legions build up their forces, and their scholars develop new spells and strategies. As the barrier between our worlds begins to crack under their scrutiny, helpless Eyalites have begun to disappear, whisked up to serve as their slaves and playthings. They imbue these victims with magical powers to better survive the ensuing stresses - can you use your new-found abilities to escape the legions of Mal'Rok?


Tales of maj

Tales Of Maj'eyal - Ashes Of Urh'rok Download Free Download

  • Start with a new class, the Doombringer! These avatars of demonic destruction charge into battle with massive two-handed weapons, cutting swaths of firey devastation through hordes of opponents. Armed with flame magic and demonic strength, they delight in fighting against overwhelming odds, softening up the crowd with waves of fire, then feeding on the flames and suffering of their surroundings to stay alive while quickly reducing any group to a pile of ash and gore.
  • Unlock a new class, the Demonologist, with an all-new item enhancement mechanic! Bearing a shield and the magic of the Spellblaze itself, these melee-fighting casters can grow demonic seeds from their fallen enemies. Imbue these seeds onto your items to gain a wide array of new talents and passive benefits, and summon the demons within them to fight on your side! Ever looked at a gigantic demon-cursed minotaur and wished it was on your side for once? Well, now you CAN summon one to pound your foes into paste while you cast devastating spells from afar, or call forth a squad of Fire Imps to pelt your enemies to death while they exhaust themselves on your impenetrable defenses! Demons have persistent health, making them a little more precious than disposable necromancer skeletons or summoner beasts, but can be revived from death nonetheless.
  • Two new zones, with all-new art, foes, and bosses! You've seen the plains of the Fearscape before, now see the lairs and headquarters of the demons themselves!
  • Over 10,000 words of written lore to find! The demons were once an enlightened, peaceful race, hailing from a distant planet known as Mal'Rok; learn what drove them to plot Eyal's eternal torture! Discover monuments to each of the demonic species and noteworthy individuals, showing the place of honor each has among them! Get a glimpse into the culture and daily lives of these sadistic invaders and their brainwashed thralls!
  • Unlock a new race, Doomelves: Shalore who've taken to the demonic alterations especially well, corrupting their typical abilities into a darker form. Blink away to safety, transform into a shadowy dúathedlen to hide in the shadows or prey on your foes with blasts of darkness, use your new resilience to soak up status effects and critical hits, and assault your enemies' minds to leave them unsteady in combat!
  • Between the aforementioned classes and Doomelves, a whopping 75 new talents!
  • Unlock two new cosmetic options! You know you've always wanted demon-horns.
  • Two new events, appearing anywhere in Eyal!
  • 20 new artifacts, with unique and interesting effects. Collect the Obsidian Treasures to amass more and more power! Slip your hands into the Will of Ul'Gruth and watch your sweeping blows smash down walls! Wear a giant hideous hell-mouth as a fashionable belt!
  • 7 new achievements! Conquer the worst Urh'Rok's forces can throw at you, and hang their metaphorical skulls from your profile page!

This is an expansion for Tales of Maj'Eyal, you need it to play.

CategoryGame mod
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
TagsProcedural Generation, Roguelike, Tactical, Tactical RPG, tome, Top-Down
Average sessionAbout an hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
AccessibilityConfigurable controls, Interactive tutorial


In order to download this mod you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $3.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Tales of Maj'Eyal - Necrotic Translations Update Available

Hits: 533

Tales of Maj'Eyal, Netcore Games’ already massive roguelike RPG, has received a huge free content update. Known as Necrotic Translations, this update fixes plenty of bugs, overhauls some systems, reworks the Necromancer class, and adds three new class evolutions. On top of that, the update makes it easier to translate the game and offers a couple of Chinese translations to kick things off in that area.

The complete patch notes are quite extensive, so here’s just an excerpt:

My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.7.0 !
Now I promised a Necromancer rewrite some time ago, and it is now finally here! Rejoice for they are now more complete, fun and deadly than ever! (disclaimer: yes this means you'll also get murdered by necromancer NPCs ;) ) But that is not all obviously, this new update brings many new things, including 3 new class evolutions! Ok one of them is Lich being turned into one, but it's still much reworked!
An other huge thing is the translation framework. To be honest I never thought it'd ever exist, but in the end I found a way and with the help of Otowakotori and his team it is now up and running!
Simplified and traditional chinese translations are now in the game, with others currently in the work. Addons can also provide translations for new languages easily. Well .. easily as in easy to code, you still need to translate the tons of text ;)

Tales Of Maj'eyal - Ashes Of Urh'rok download free. full

Add to those the usual slew of changes, new stuff and fixes, obviously!
Also included are updates to the three expansions: Forbidden Cults, Embers of Rage and Ashes of Urh'rok.

Tales Of Maj'eyal - Ashes Of Urh'rok Download Free Pc

Ashes ones being of note as it quite improves the Demonologist class with quality of life stuff, new seeds, reworked talents... Go check it out in the changelog below!
Don't forget that you can support ToME on patreon too if you wish :)
Urh As with any major updates savefiles are not compatible. If you want to finish a character, do not upgrade until you have done so, and make sure you disable addons auto-updating. To stay on 1.6 until you finish your character I have made a new steam branch that you can enable it by right clicking on the game, selecting 'Properties' then the 'Beta' tab and then the 1.6 version.
And if you use addons, make sure they have a version for 1.7 or disable them; you don't want problems do you? :)

Tales Of Maj'eyal - Ashes Of Urh'rok Download Free Version

New stuff, cool & shiny:
  • Full and total rewrite of the Necromancer class, no point in a list of 'changes' as 95% of it is new or deeply altered :)
  • Lich is now a race evolution for Necromancers, with its own (obviously awesome) racial talent tree
  • New class evolution for Archmages: High Thaumaturgist, that focuses on using and enhancing beam spells
  • New class evolution for Sun Paladin: Fallen! Thanks to Recaiden!
  • Add language localization support, with simplified and traditional chinese as the first supported languages
  • Add a fun mechanic to prevent farming of ruined dungeon orbs to get alchemy ingredients
  • Add revamped bandit fortress vault
  • Add uniques to rak'shor pride, similar to the ones already showing in all other prides. Uniques are randomly chosen between necromancers or corruptors with either a necromatic mass or sanguine horror pet.
  • Add worms vault to dry lake of nur
  • Added 2 more rows of hotkeys for the mad people :)
  • Added Energy Alteration in the newly freed Meta tree that allows to change damage spells types dynamically, hopefully enabling some fun multi-elements builds
  • After resting for a few turns, if a party member has a lower life regen than the main character, it will use the main character's regen instead to avoid super long pointless waiting
  • Burb now has his own tile! All hail Burb the snow giant champion!
  • Change how rares and randbosses are generated to be tree based instead of individual talent based thus making them focus on trees more and increasing chance to see tier 3 and 4 talents while also making rares easier to evaluate at a glance
  • Changed Adept to instead grant a flat +1.5 to all talent levels
  • Cleansing Flames is now an active that sets yourself on fire to activate the cleansing flames efefcts for yourself and all burning wake/inferno damage as before. This makes it work with Spellcraft
  • Eldritch Infusion now also provides a spellpower and mindpower bonus based on shields tiers
  • Enabled 'WASD' movement (with an option to turn it off, and keybinds anyway). The big difference to normal movement is that it responds to key *release* and can combine directions. So you can do diagonal movement with just 4 keys by pressing two at the same time. Keeping them pressed also works
  • Focused Wrath now also resets the cooldown of Mind Storm at talent level 5
  • Give all melee classes that don't currently start with a point in weapon mastery at birth a point in weapon mastery at birth; this also serves to make sure randbosses have the weapon mastery they need
  • Malevolent Dimensional Jelly finally got its own tile! Now MORE malevolence!
  • Melinda has a new haircut (also available to players after unlocking redhair)
  • Merged Quicken Spells and Spellcraft
  • Moved the default binding for 'w'ield to 'e'quip and the old 'e' binding to 'E' (not that this matters as this was just and alias for 'i'nventory anyway). Those are the DEFAULT binds, if you want the old ones, you can rebind to whatever you prefer :)
  • New minor demon, the onilug
  • Pressing x on the levelup dialog can toggle between the current display and a new one were every value of talents over 5 levels is shown at once (just try it's harder to explain than it really is ;) )
  • Prodigies screen splits out evolutions from prodigies to better see them
  • Rework of the Phantasm tree, Illuminate is more useful, Phantasmal Shield remade, Invisibility is not a sustain anymore and has no damage penalty and a new Mirror Image spell
  • Reworked Swift Hands to provide 4 'ready' slots
  • Rewrote Aether Permeation to be a dispel protection and a spellpower boost
  • Stone Fortress now applies half the effect when it is not activated by the racial ability
  • Stone Vines now correctly check for mindpower instead of just willpower to apply debuff
  • Stone Warden's Shard is not affected by counterstrike
  • When there is possible negative life the player's healthbar will now account for it and add a visual marker at the '0' health point too
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