Errant Kingdom (Chapters 0-4)

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Errant Kingdom (Chapters 0-4)

Errant Kingdom Free Download

Chapter Four out now! Download the demo below. Kickstarter successfully funded. Errant Kingdom is an episodic release and will update in volumes/chapters on a bi-monthly (once every two months) basis. We plan for there to be a minimum of 5 volumes, each totaling approximately 2.5-3 hours of playtime across all three routes. Steam is on Chapter 2 of Errant Kingdom. RX500-android 104 days ago (1 edit) I downloaded the new chapter but it seems my previous files are missing and were not transferred to the new version- is this something normal with Unity or a problem?


Errant Kingdomis a queer, high-fantasy visual novel for PC, Mac & Linux. After presenting our demo at PAX West 2019 as part of the Indie Megabooth and being successfully funded on Kickstarter, Errant Kingdom's prologue is now available on Volume One will be out in early March 2020!

The Kingdom of Novus has been thrown into disarray, and it's up to you to decide if you’ll help to bring peace, or if you’ll stoke the fires of chaos. Enter a high fantasy world steeped in political intrigue; where magic touches the land and blood turns the wheels unseen. Dishonor & betrayal. Hope & despair. Pick a side, and meet your match.

Errant Kingdom is a story with darker elements at play. As a denizen of the kingdom of Novus, you're at the heart of watching history unfold before your eyes. Whether you see its rise or fall, however, is up to you. There are those who will help you in your endeavors along the way, and might even find themselves enamored with you. Though, it is also possible to earn their ire should your plans be devious. Onlyyouwill influence how the story evolves, and the most important moves to make are yours, and yours alone.

Errant Kingdom features three playable protagonists (with no fixed protagonist portrait, leaving players free to imagine their character as they see fit) and eight potential romance routes (six individual, two polyamorous). You can also play the game without romancing anyone and it will not affect your experience in any way.

You're somewhere that isn't home, faced with things that aren't easy to understand. A secret, an unveiled path, and the choice you must make to take it...

Errant Kingdom Walkthrough

Chapter Four is finally here! Thank you so much for your patience for this one during what was a pretty tough time for our dev team. This is an exciting chapter for a number of reasons which you'll soon see. Please be aware that this is also our biggest update yet in terms of file size due to some image compression changes we had to make, so have some patience when you're updating if you're internet isn't all that great. (Like ours...cry.) We've also updated our codex so hopefully it's a little easier to navigate, and have made some changes to the log for Mac users.

As always, if you have any issues please email us on with your system specs and be as specific as you can so we can help you.